Friday 1st November 10.30am – 3.30pm
The SCC Community Forestry team will be running the fourth Meersbrook Tree Day in Meersbrook Park, supported by Trees for Cities. This is a fantastic Half Term Event for all the family. Come along & take part in an interesting fun-filled day of activities based around the park’s trees
- Help plant trees and maintain the parks woodland areas (sturdy footwear required)
- Make a bat box
- Watch as huge trees are ‘doctored’ by professional tree surgeons
- Take part in a fun tree-trail and learn about all the trees in the park
- Visit a traditional Mongolian yurt
- Have a go at basket making
- Take part in some natural art activities
- Attend cultural events in Bishops House
… and many more events. Details of additional events will be publicised soon.
For more information about the event please contact:
Edward Thatcher
Community Forester Central & South Community Assemblies Trees and Woodlands
Sheffield City Council
Meersbrook Park
Brook Road
Sheffield S8 9FL
Tel: 0114 2734303 Mobile: 07816 596228
For more information about Trees for Cities please visit: