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Think Water: Storytelling for the future of Sheffield

Saturday 16 September 10:30 – 15:30

Do you have an interest in arts, nature, or the natural environment of Sheffield? During a half-day workshop around Meersbrook Park you will have a chance to find out about water-related issues in Sheffield. We will take you on a walk from the River Sheaf, through Meersbrook Park towards Bishops’ House, to share a historical perspective of Sheffield’s water resources and the relationship between water and plant life. In the afternoon session, we hope you will contribute to a storytelling workshop and tell us about your memories of past droughts, and help us to discover how you think we could manage Sheffield’s water resources in the future. Sharron Kraus, a Sheffield-based singer/song-writer will give a musical performance inspired by the themes emerging from engagement with our research.

The event will begin with tea and coffee at the Hardy Pick Pub (parking is available at 10:30am and at 11.00 am the group will set of to walk to the River Sheaf. A free lunch will be provided (for registered participants) at Bishops’ House at 1pm, where the storytelling will take place. The event will end at 3:30pm.

Book here